CEO Statement

Our goal is simple: to offer the graphic and printing capabilities that let you attract, engage and retain your targeted customers.

We’re here to optimize your marketing efforts by combining advanced printing science with exceptional personal attention. Every assignment we handle—regardless of size—benefits from the knowledge we’ve acquired and the reputation we’ve achieved. Personal attention, solutions and productions that assure our customers success in their markets.

Our two divisions are in different parts of the country, but function as a single business operating under one roof. We’re good at pooling our strengths on your behalf, creating a value chain that guarantees quality and speed-to-market. We’ll work with you in partnership, striving to build a relationship of confidence and trust. And even after years of successful collaboration, that commitment won’t change. We’ll always work as hard to earn the next printing project as we did to earn the first.

The LPC story is one of staying ahead of our customers’ evolving needs with our 120 years of insight and strategy for planned growth. Our family values, commitment to service, and willingness to invest in printing technology have always been the heart and soul of our success. What held true yesterday, still holds true today, when we make a delivery promise, we keep it.